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Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church is committed to empowering the Body of Christ, to share the Love of CHRIST, through caring service to ALL GOD's people, in the Name of CHRIST.

We Welcome Interim Pastor
Mark Gerisch

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Worship With Us

Sunday Service at 9 am.
Contemporary Service at 11 am.
Wednesday Service at 4 pm.
Sunday School at 10 am Sunday.
Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend
Sunday Service at 9 am.
Wednesday Service at 4 pm.


Communion is celebrated at every service.  

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EXCITING NEWS! Pastor Phil Bromhal has accepted the call to come to Christ Lutheran Church! His ordination service is March 29th. He plans on being installed here on April 6th. Watch the Sunday bulletin and April newsletter for updates.

LENTEN SEASON begins with Ash Wednesday on March 5th with services at 4 & 7 pm. The following Wednesdays there will be one service at 4 pm. Our worship series is titled “Silent Witnesses”. The thorns, the robe, the nails, the spear, the shroud, the stone—if these things could speak, what might they tell us? Each one of these things associated with our Lord’s suffering and death will describe and interpret the events and their meaning from that object’s point of view.


Ash Wednesday, March 5th: The Thorns

March 12th: The Robe

March 19th: The Nails

March 26h: The Spear

April 2nd: The Shroud

April 9th: The Stone


SUNDAYS during Lent provides us with a perfect chance to explore the extraordinary attributes of our “Savior, Servant, Friend”, Jesus. It is a time to marvel at the many blessings we received when he laid down his life for us on the cross and then rose victorious from the grave. Each service in this series dwells upon a different aspect of our greatest Friend and what each characteristic means to us as his followers and friends.


March 9th - Forgiver

March 16th - Healer

March 23rd - Listener

March 30th - Encourager

April 6th - Protector


Service times are at 9 & 11 am.

LENTEN MEALS will take place each Wednesday after the 4 pm service beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. Meals are provided with funds from a Thrivent grant. Desserts and clean up help are needed. Sign up sheets are on the bulletin board. A free will offering will be collected.

EUCHRE FUN NIGHTS ​will return on March 8th at 3 pm and March 29th at 6:30 pm.  Bring your family and friends and enjoy an afternoon of fun and fellowship.  

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME begins at 2 am March 9th. Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead 1 hour before you go to bed.

SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN will be playing handbells Sunday, March 9th at the 9 am service.

COMMUNITY GARDEN planning meeting will be March 9th at 11:45 am. We are looking for ideas on what to plant and volunteers to help plant and keep the garden weeded.

JOY CIRCLE will meet on Thursday, March 13th at 6:30 pm.  All women of the church are welcome.



All women of the congregation are welcome to join us on Thursday, March 13th from 7 - 8 pm for the “The Proverbs 31 Women and the Stories of Faithful Women in Scripture” Bible Study. This study explores real women, with real struggles and gifts – women with deep, abiding faith and a passion for the will of God. The truth is that neither the women of Scripture nor we ourselves are called to be like Martha Stewart; we are called to be like Christ. Session 7 – The Story of Mary, Mother of Jesus: “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” The word “fear” may seem strange in this context; we don’t usually equate panic, alarm or dread with the experience of God’s grace. Yet in Scripture, the “fear of the Lord” is a common way to describe faith. Biblically, it refers to a healthy awe and reverence for who God is and what he can do. Such fear helps us remember our place before God and our daily dependence upon Him.

COMMUNION VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! The Worship and Music Committee will be having training for all those interested in setting up communion, cleaning up after both services or being a communion assistant on March 16th at 10 am. Please consider serving in one or all of these very important duties.

CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING is March 17th at 7 pm.

AN APPRECIATION DINNER for Pastor Mark & Judy is planned for March 23rd following the Contemporary Service at 11:45 am. On the menu is lasagna, tossed salad and garlic bread. Please sign up to bring a dessert or other dish to pass.

CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH FISH FRY IS BACK! Friday, April 4th from 4 - 7 or until out of fish. Menu includes fried pollack, baked cod, augratin potatoes, French fries, corn, coleslaw, rolls and cookies all for $13 adults, $6 for ages 5 - 12, 4 and under free. Take out will be available. Signup sheets for help and cookies are posted on the bulletin board.

YOUTH & FAMILIES - Saturday, March 22nd at 12 NOON - Pirate/Princess Party: We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Dress in your favorite pirate or princess outfit. Please join us for food, fun, and crafts!

COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT - Saturday, March 22nd at 2 pm - Making Cards For the Shut-ins: We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Hope to see you there!

6TH - 12TH GRADE YOUTH - Friday, March 28th at 6:00 pm, Sunday, April 6th at 12:00 pm, & Friday, April 10th at 6:00 pm - The Chosen: The Last Supper Movie Series: We will meet in the church parking lot to carpool to the Vassar Theatre. The estimated time for each event is about 4 hours. Please let Kelly know if you are interested in going.

CHOIR PRACTICES are on Mondays at 6 pm.  We are looking for more voices to join us!

HANDBELL CHOIR PRACTICES are Wednesday afternoons at 5 pm.  

SEW FOR FAITH group meets on Wednesdays at 9:30 am.  Come and join us for fellowship and project ideas - you do not need to sew.

UCCS COLLECTION FOR MARCH & APRIL: Paper products: paper towels, toilet paper, tissues. Cleaning products: laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaning supplies.

GOOD SAMARITAN RESCUE MISSION OF BAY CITY OPERATION HOPE & CARE - Each year during Lent the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission makes a request for Hope & Care Tote Bags. These bags are given out to each family or individual checking in for emergency shelter. Items needed for each bag include body wash & shower puff, bar soap, hand & body lotion, deodorant (men & women), shampoo & conditioner, hairbrushes & combs, shaving cream & razors (men & women), tissues and toothpaste (children & adult). Filled bags can be placed  in the basket by the coat rack or you can leave any of the above items and we will make sure they get delivered.

Christ Lutheran Church Welcomes YOU

On behalf of the entire congregation here at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in Reese, Michigan we want to take this opportunity to thank you for visiting our website. We are a church that believes in the life changing power of Jesus Christ, and do our best to share His love both at church and in our community, we are privileged to serve.

If you are looking for a “perfect church,” then I encourage you to click away quickly because we’re not that church, yet we are doing our best to become more like our Lord and Savior every single day. Sometimes we fail, but we believe in learning from those failures and moving forward in faith and victory!

We want to encourage you to take a look at the various links on our site and become acquainted with us, and then join us for worship services! 

We like to call our website our “Online Visitor’s Packet” because it’s such a great way for prospective guests to see what we’re all about before actually walking through the doors!

Lives are being changed here at Christ Lutheran Church, and it’s to the honor and glory of Jesus Christ! We are all different, and while we have distinctive needs and situations in our lives, we believe He is more than up to the task of meeting those needs!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our online contact information, or give us a call at the church at 989-868-3281 and we will do our best to answer your question(s)!

I want to encourage you to put the Lord first in your life and see what God can do through you! Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” 

May you have a blessed pilgrimage with Christ serving His creation.


Watch Church Services Online!

Click the YouTube button to direct you to our live broadcasts every Sunday at 9 am. 

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Tel: 989-928-9838

Tel: 989-996-0399


Tel: 989-550-4267



Reese Christ

Lutheran Church


Christ Lutheran Church

1928 S. Reese Road

Reese, MI 48757-9718


Tel:  989-868-3281

Fax: 989-868-1505


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